LFSF Budding Ambassadors
LFSF is participating to the 9th edition of the competition Ambassadeurs en Herbe (Budding Ambassadors). LFSF students, from 4th Grade to 12th Grade are invited to participate, as speakers, via individual (oral presentation, reading, verbal improvisation ...) or collective exercises (debate ...).
LFSF Finale Winners
LFSF "School" Final took place on Wednesday FEB 24 at 4pm via Webinar and we have the huge pleasure to announce the winners of this Finale:
- 2 winners for Cycle 3 (4th Grade • 5th Grade • 6th Grade): Lucas and Kiara
- 2 winners for Cycle 4 ( 7th Grade • 8th Grade • 9th Grade): Margaux and Séo
- 2 winners for the High School level (10th Grade • 11th Grade • 12th Grade): Hirad and Marin
Watch the Finale Recording
Congratulations students!
The Next Steps
MAR 18: "Zone" final results will be hosted by LFSF via an exclusive online event. More details to come.
The winners of the "International" final will be announced during the Week of the 2021 French High School Across the World (Semaine des lycées français du monde 2021).
If you have any question, please contact teachers Fanny AUGÉ (fauge@lelycee.org) and Barbara LELOIR (bleloir@lelycee.org).
About Budding Ambassadors competition
Created in 2012 by the AEFE, Budding Ambassadors (Ambassadeurs en Herbe) promotes the development of skills, such as learning several languages, oral expression, comprehension and intercultural openness of Middle and High school students from the schools within the AEFE network.
The 9th edition of this program, the 2020-2021 Ambassadeurs en Herbe follows a digital format, taking into account the challenges faced by the schools in the current context of the pandemic.
Students are invited to think around the theme "Equal and United Citizens" ("Citoyennes et citoyens, égaux et solidaires") which is part of the Week of the French High School Across the World (Semaine des lycées français du monde). The theme echoes to the current health crisis and more generally to the international news in various areas (political, economical, environmental).
Here is what differs from the past years:
- Both Middle and High School students can participate in the secondary level category (from 6th Grade to 12th)
- The usual team format of 5 students selected by schools, then by zones, is no longer imposed
- Students are free to choose an exercise amongst those that are suggested
All students will be evaluated based on their oratory skills
The selection of the winners in the "Schools" final then "Zones" final and the "International" is based on the video recordings sent in advance by schools to the organizers.