MATh.en.JEANS | 2021 online edition

This year, about 30 Gr 8 -12 LFSF students participated in the international Math competition, MATh.en.JEANS, with their math teachers, Nicolas LEGATELOIS and Manuela DIKONGUE , as well as College professor and Math Department Director at La Rochelle University (France), Gilles BAILLY-MAITRE.

Some of them shared their experience about this year's edition:

Since the beginning of the school year, students have been working on fascinating, fun yet complex mathematical problems during weekly Zoom workshops. They got to explore and get familiar with complex mathematical reasonings and developments. The selections of problems are crafted by math researchers for the Middle School (topics) and High School (topics) categories.

In preparation for the event, our students also had the opportunity to work and exchange with their peers from other North American schools.

The Math.en.JEANS event took place on Friday MAY 21, 2021 from 9.30 am to 1pm, online and live on YouTube. Dozens of schools from all across the globe were be present and students will had the opportunity to expose and discuss their work with their peers, teachers and researchers.

At the end of the event, the selected teams will have their work published in a scientific article on the MATh.en.JEANS website

The objective behind this annual competition is for students to have fun resolving complex mathematical challenges, show that math can be a lively and interesting subject and develop logical, written and oral skills that are crucial for our students' future career. 

8 LFSF teams participated in the challenge:

  • 9:30 am | L'invasion des uns | Charles de BELLOY, Alban KASRIEN and Isabella LU (Gr9)
  • 09:50 am | Balance ton poids | Clémence ARNOUD, Rhea BOUZEID, Mia GETZ (Gr9)
  • Cookies ou Macarons | Joudy AFIFI, Romane BLADIER and Madeleine FREELAND (Gr9)
  • 10:30 am | Les nombres aux choix | Madeleine de BELLOY and Pierre QUEREUIL (Gr10)
  • 11:40 am | La suite de John | Matthieu BOURDEAU DE FONTENAY, Emma BELLMAN and Hirad MARAMI (Gr11)
  • 12:20 pm | Le Dessin du pliage | Luke CHU and Timothé KASRIEL (Gr11)
  • 12:40 pm | Suite de Nombres H | Maxime de BELLOY and Scott HICKMANN (Gr12)
  • 1 pm | Cookies ou Macarons | Raphaël ATTIA, Nicholas KRYGER NELSON and Roméo NEHME (Gr12)

We are very proud of our teams: their work is brilliant and impressive!


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