The independent school advantage

Independent schools are non-profit private schools that are independent in philosophy: each is driven by a unique mission. They are also independent in the way they are managed and financed. They are accountable to their communities and are accredited by state-approved accrediting bodies. It is independence, in the truest sense of the word.

The San Francisco Bay Area has many independent schools, each with its own specificities, enabling you to find the one that will best suit your child and family. However, all have the following characteristics.

The private school advantage


Independent schools are governed by a Board of Trustees, not a public school board or the French government. They are primarily supported by tuition payments, charitable contributions and endowment revenue.


high academic standards

Independent schools nurture intellectual curiosity, stimulate personal growth, encourage critical thinking and promote a lifelong love of learning.

At LFSF, the curriculum is delivered in French and in English, allowing our students to graduate with a French Baccalaureat and an American HS diploma.


excellent teachers

Independent school instructors usually teach in their areas of expertise. They strive to develop a full understanding of each student’s learning style, interests and motivation.

LFSF is no exception. Our French teachers are French natives and trained in France. Our English teachers and language teachers teach in their mother tongue and are highly qualified.


Independent schools foster diverse and vibrant student communities that welcome and respect every family.

At the LFSF, our population is very internationally diverse by its very nature. As our school is part of a network of more than 500 schools around the world, international families, be they French or American, are attracted by the possibility of continuity in the education their children will receive. Many European families also are comfortable with our education system, as it is similar to their own. As a result, each year we count between 50 and 60 different nationalities on our three combined campuses.


mission driven education

As with all independent schools, LFSF is driven by its own unique philosophy, vision, values, and approach to teaching. And, as with other independent school teachers, teachers at LFSF have greater freedom to create educational experiences that meet each child’s needs.


A optimized learning environment

Low student-teacher ratios allow for individual attention and encourage close connections between instructors and students.

At LFSF, the ratio varies throughout the levels. At the primary levels, the teacher shares the class with the English teacher and all maternelle grades have assistant teachers and extra help during lunchtime. Music and theater are taught by specialists.

In addition, our campuses offer spacious and luminous spaces for better learning.

*includes all academic personnels

education for the whole child

If you are considering an independent school for your child, you are bound to hear this point as well. It is true that in addition to academics, independent schools try to nurture a student's personal and social growth as well as their civic conscience.

Opportunities to follow one's interest are numerous from the yearly JIJ (International sport meets for the Youth) hosted in various cities in the world to pitching your start-up idea to professionals during the StartUp Lycee project.

a community of parents participating actively in their children's education

Independent schools promote regular communication among students, parents and teachers to ensure everyone is working toward the same goals.

As a parent, you can actively engage in your student’s education by being present on campus and by supporting the school through the organization of various community activities. The Parent Association, Les Amis du Lycée, hosts regular cafes and meetings for new families to connect and ample opportunities to volunteer will be shared at all levels (classroom, campus, school) throughout the school year.