Focus on La petite Ecole

In 2018, we re-opened our very successful Petite Ecole that welcomes very young children in a complete, part-time immersion program. As soon as age 2, children can grow, develop confidence, and gently learn to become students in two languages.

LA petite Ecole

The main objective of the Petite Ecole is socialization. This class allows children to discover the world of school and socialize while developing language skills. This class is the ideal preparation for a gentle and natural transition into Petite Section.

La Petite Ecole (LPE) follows a curriculum that naturally and gently prepares children to enter our full time Maternelle. At La Petite Ecole, children play and learn together, socialize and interact while immersing themselves in the French language. They explore the spoken language as well as all forms of communication: body language, comedy and artistic expression... They develop gross and fine motor skills. They learn to think and organize their thoughts, while exploring the world around them. Fun educative projects pave the way for the implementation of a solid foundation of learning, generously integrating artistic activities, in a friendly French environment. The class is led by a French teacher and an assistant teacher.



Une première année réussie en Petite Ecole

Nous avons passé quelques moments avec Claire FRANCE, l'institutrice en charge de ce programme et lui avons demandé de nous confier ses sentiments sur cette première année en Petite Ecole.

A great first year in La Petite Ecole!

La Petite Ecole is the part time program launched last fall on our Sausalito campus. We are talking with Claire FRANCE who is running the program and asked her to reflect on this first year.

Learn more and apply

You can read more about this wonderful opportunity, including cost and schedule, in our Learning section.

Read more

You can contact us to ask questions and visit our campus. We are here to help!


Apply online today to have a chance to start La Petite Ecole in the fall 2018!