Middle School

Discover the LFSF Middle School Program

Welcome to Middle School

At LFSF, private international Middle School (called "Collège" in French) includes Gr 6, Gr 7 and Gr 8 students. Gr 9 students are, like in the US, high schoolers.

In terms of Cycles of learning, it covers the end of the consolidation cycle, making Gr6 a real and gentle transition between Elementary school and Middle School, as well as the first two years of the deepening cycle.

Our Middle School Curriculum

In Middle school, students gain in autonomy.

They have a different teacher for each subject who is an expert in his/her subject and in early adolescence. They change classrooms several times throughout the day following a weekly schedule. Unlike in US schools, students remain part of a class group, which is an asset for their social well being. They are supported by their teachers, as well as by a friendly group of student monitors who play a big role in helping them get organized and adjust to their new Middle school life and environment. Time management skills and self-sufficient study habits are instilled throughout these grades to prepare students for greater autonomy and more challenging courses in High school.



In Middle School, 60% of instruction takes place in French, 35% is in English, and 5% is in the student’s chosen third language. They learn a third language : Spanish, German, or Mandarin, that they were introduced to in Gr 5. Middle school students may also study Latin as an elective beginning in Gr 7. They study mathematics in two languages, participate in competitions and travels, learn to speak in public, and work in groups and further develop strong critical thinking skills within a challenging, engaging curriculum that requires their commitment. 


Students' bilingual skills are getting stronger. They become bicultural as they learn French, English and American literature and history. The gap in testing that could have been noticed in Elementary school - a natural consequence of learning in two languages - is closing. This is the time when bilingual students generally start performing better than their peers in American tests.

The teaching of French in Middle school

The teaching of French in Cycle 4 helps students develop their critical thinking and judgement, and construct independent ideas, using precise and correct language. Students perfect their oral and written, develop their knowledge of and proficiency in the French language, and build up a literary and artistic culture.

The main AREAS covered are:

  • Comprehension and oral expression
  • Writing
  • Reading
  • Understanding of language (grammar, spelling, vocabulary)
  • Literary and artistic culture



The program in the American International Section [AIS] is rigorous. 

French track students may be enrolled in the AIS from Gr1 all the way to Gr12. Students enrolled in an IS are taught the core syllabus as well as specific courses enabling them to follow advanced classes taught in English.

From Middle School, in the French Track, two subjects are taught in English:

•  Language and Literature: more than a language class, this course includes the study of English literature.
•  History and Geography: the French curriculum is adapted to include a greater emphasis on the history and geography of the United States of America.



At the end of Grade 9, the Diplôme Bational du Brevet or DNB (National Diploma of Certification) assesses the knowledge and skills students have acquired at the end of Middle School. Students take written exams in math, French and history-geography, and an oral exam in art history.

Final DNB scores are calculated using students’ course grades during the final year of Middle School.

Gr8 students with his family at LFSF graduation event

The DNBI (Brevet exam) explained


The DNB International option consists of all of the standard exams plus two specific oral exams in language/literature and history/geography. These two exams are taken in English. 



The social and emotional well being of students remains a focus in Middle School. Areas of focus for our academic teams include various learning styles, effective time management, healthy lifestyle behavior, anti-bullying, and digital awareness.

Civic education has four main objectives during the three cycles of primary and Middle school:

  • Emotional awareness : learn to identify one's feelings and emotions, put them into words, discuss them. Learn to recognize and/or understand others' feelings and emotions;
  • Respecting rules : understand the meaning of rules in the classroom, primary or secondary school and to make pupils (future citizens) aware of the role and importance of law in the French Republic;
  • education in moral judgement, in order to understand and discuss the moral choices encountered in life, requiring pupils to put forward arguments, debate and justify their choices;
  • experiencing engagement, encouraging pupils to participate in the social life of their class and school, acquire a spirit of cooperation and a sense of responsibility towards others.
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Learning continues to be adapted to the student. Teachers are extremely supportive and give students personalized attention and support. In addition, our learning specialists continue to follow students and make sure they get the help and support they need.


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Learning is interactive


Livingston teaches English Literature and Ariel teaches History+Geography in English. For both of them, it's important to make sure students feel included in the learning process.  Livingston explains how he balances learning the history of literature while also reading books that are more current and relevant. Ariel likes to integrate students' own experiences into the lessons for them to feel more involved.