LFSF - Lycee Francais de San Francisco


We believe there are many reasons to make the LFSF choice.

The Lycée Français de San Francisco (LFSF) is an independent school, and the leading French immersion school in the SF Bay Area.

At LFSF, our objective is to inspire future generations to make positive and impactful contributions to our world through a multilingual and multicultural education that lasts a lifetime.

We provide a unique educational program accredited by the French Ministry of Education that helps our 1,000+ preschool through 12th grade students build confidence and adaptability in their ever-changing world.

With their French and US diplomas, our graduates carry the excellence of the education they received and the spirit of openness, curiosity and integrity shaped at LFSF.

The gift of Bilinguism

Research studies indicate that the achievement of proficiency in a second language associated with Dual Language instruction provides many benefits for students.

Individuals who are bilingual switch between two different language systems. Their brains are very active and flexible. They have enhanced levels of metalinguistic awareness (i.e., knowledge of how language works), proven to be essential to learning how to read. Research also shows that bilingual people have an easier time in understanding math concepts and solving word problems. They develop strong thinking skills, and tend to be better at focusing, remembering and making decisions.

In addition, since bilingual students are used to thinking about language and translation, they consequently are better at learning other languages beyond their first two.

A unique school within an international network

Our unique educational program is accredited by the French Ministry of Education, which guarantees the quality and rigor of its French component.

Our English program also is very challenging and allows students to graduate with a US High School diploma as well as a French Baccalaureat.

The AEFE network

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    LFSF Articles

    How to best prepare your child : the benefits of bilingualism

    What skills do children need today to become positive actors of their global generation? That is a question most parents come to address when considering schools for their kids. In the vast selection of options available in the Bay Area, multilingual schools like LFSF provide children with a true advantage.

    The Early Learning Program at LFSF

    Early education has been a priority and a specificity of the French education program for many years. The skills acquired by children during the very first years at school are important for their academic future and their social development.

    "I love that the Lycée has a very tightly-knit community - everybody was greeting one another in the hallways! Mathieu answered all of my questions and I left with better sense of the education offered at the school.

    I have since attended other school tours, and I have to say, I appreciate that the Lycée attracts a noticeably diverse community of families. Visiting monolingual schools has also confirmed how much I value multilingual education - it is #1 on my wish-list for a school (...). I can't envision another path for our unique, bilingual, Mexican-American family."

    Prospective School Parent