Coming back to School after the Thanksgiving break

While fairly short, the Thanksgiving break is a time when families traditionally gather and travel to celebrate the holiday. 

To come back to school safely, following the approach we’ve had in the past, we are asking our families to please:

  • Make sure their child is symptom free
  • Upload a negative rapid test administered within 24hr of back to school to this form if their child is unvaccinated

The pandemic has demonstrated that it is the role of each and everyone of us to keep our community safe, and in a time when we are invited to reflect on gratitude, we can be grateful and proud to belong to a strong group that continues to put the safety of our students and school staff first. This is why we encourage our families to consider vaccinating their child as early as possible, since vaccination has been approved and is available for children 5 and older. Vaccination has proven to limit the spread of the COVID virus and hospitalization. If and when your child get the vaccine, please make sure to share the information with us as it is important in our decision making, whenever a case may be confirmed in our community.

Thank you, stay well and take good care,

LFSF Preparedness Team